Working with vCloud Metadata in PowerCLI – Part 1

Way back in 2012 Alan Renouf created a PowerCLI module to deal with manipulation of metadata entries for vCloud Director objects – this can be incredibly useful to track related information for these objects. The vCD metadata functionality was enhanced in v5.1 (and then later in 5.5, 5.6 and 8.0) – in particular typed values were added with functionality to use date/time, boolean and numeric values (as well as free-form string text). Also added were security levels so that metadata could be made read-only or hidden (from a tenant perspective) but still accessible/visible to system owners. I’ve taken the PowerShell module that Alan published here and updated it to cope with these enhancements. I’ve also updated the returned fields/views to include the extra attributes (where present) such as security levels of metadata entries.

Note that I am definitely not a professional developer (and most of my PowerShell knowledge comes from Google) so there’s probably significant room for improvement in the code – comment back if you have suggestions for improvement and I’ll update this post.

Use of the module requires a valid connection to a vCloud instance (using Connect-CIServer). This won’t work for versions prior to v5.1 (most of my testing has been with PowerCLI 6 against a v8 vCD deployment) so please use at your own risk and make sure you thoroughly test your own scenarios. I’ll write a follow-up post detailing some example code and usage scenarios which people may find useful in the next few days.

I’d suggest copy/pasting the code (below) into a PowerShell module (.psm1) file and including the module in your scripts as needed.

Function New-CIMetaData { 
        Creates a Metadata Key/Value pair. 
        Creates a custom Metadata Key/Value pair on a specified vCloud object 
    .PARAMETER  Key 
        The name of the Metadata to be applied.
    .PARAMETER  Value
        The value of the Metadata to be applied, the string 'Now' can be used
        for the current date/time for values using the 'DateTime' type.
    .PARAMETER  Visibility
        The visibility of the Metadata entry (General, Private, ReadOnly)
    .PARAMETER  Type
        The type of the Metadata entry (String, Number, DateTime, Boolean)
        (these correspond to the types of: MetadataStringValue,
        MetadataNumberValue, MetadataDateTimeValue or MetadataBooleanValue
    .PARAMETER  CIObject
        The object on which to apply the Metadata.
        New-CIMetadata -Key "Owner" -Value "Alan Renouf" -CIObject (Get-Org Org1)
        Creates a new metadata value "Alan Renouf" in a key "Owner" on the Org1 object.
        New-CIMetadata -Key "Company" -Value "ABC Corp" -Visibility READONLY -CIObject (Get-CIVM 'client')
        Creates a new metadata value "ABC Corp" in a key "Company" on the 'client' VM object with the READONLY attribute set preventing changes by non-system users.
        New-CIMetadata -Key "Backup" -Value $false -Visibility Private -Type Boolean -CIObject (Get-CIVapp 'testvapp')
        Creates a new hidden metadata value $false in a key "Backup" on the vApp object with the 'Private' attribute set preventing visibility to non-system users.
        NAME: Get-CIMetaData
        AUTHOR: Jon Waite based on code by Alan Renouf
        LASTEDIT: 2016-02-23
        KEYWORDS: metadata set vcloud director
    #Requires -Version 2.0
            [String]$Visibility = 'General',
            [String]$Type = "String"
    Process { 
        Foreach ($Object in $CIObject) { 
            $Metadata = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.Metadata 
            $Metadata.MetadataEntry = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.MetadataEntry 
            $Metadata.MetadataEntry[0].Key = $Key

            switch($Type) {
              'String'   { $Metadata.MetadataEntry[0].TypedValue = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.MetadataStringValue }
              'Number'   { $Metadata.MetadataEntry[0].TypedValue = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.MetadataNumberValue }
              'DateTime' { $Metadata.MetadataEntry[0].TypedValue = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.MetadataDateTimeValue }
              'Boolean'  { $Metadata.MetadataEntry[0].TypedValue = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.MetadataBooleanValue }

            if ($Type -eq 'DateTime' -and $Value -eq 'Now') {
                $Metadata.MetadataEntry[0].TypedValue.Value = [string](Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().GetDateTimeFormats('s')
            } else {
                $Metadata.MetadataEntry[0].TypedValue.Value = $Value
            switch($Visibility) {
              'General'  { } #Default, don't need to change
              'Private'  { 
                $Metadata.MetadataEntry[0].Domain = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.MetadataDomainTag
                $Metadata.MetadataEntry[0].Domain.Value = 'SYSTEM'
                $Metadata.MetadataEntry[0].Domain.Visibility = 'PRIVATE'
              'ReadOnly' {
                $Metadata.MetadataEntry[0].Domain = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.MetadataDomainTag
                $Metadata.MetadataEntry[0].Domain.Value = 'SYSTEM'
                $Metadata.MetadataEntry[0].Domain.Visibility = 'READONLY'

            ($Object.ExtensionData.GetMetadata()).MetadataEntry | Where {$_.Key -eq $key } | Select @{N="CIObject";E={$Object.Name}},
            @{N="Visibility";E={ if ($_.Domain.Visibility) { $_.Domain.Visibility } else { "General" }}},
            Key -ExpandProperty TypedValue
Function Get-CIMetaData {
        Retrieves all Metadata Key/Value pairs.
        Retrieves all custom Metadata Key/Value pairs on a specified vCloud object
    .PARAMETER  CIObject
        The object on which to retrieve the Metadata.
        The key to retrieve.
        Get-CIMetadata -CIObject (Get-Org Org1)
    Process {
        Foreach ($Object in $CIObject) {
            If ($Key) {
                ($Object.ExtensionData.GetMetadata()).MetadataEntry | Where {$_.Key -eq $key } | Select @{N="CIObject";E={$Object.Name}},
                    @{N="Visibility";E={ if ($_.Domain.Visibility) { $_.Domain.Visibility } else { "General" }}},
                    Key -ExpandProperty TypedValue
            } Else {
                ($Object.ExtensionData.GetMetadata()).MetadataEntry | Select @{N="CIObject";E={$Object.Name}},
                    @{N="Visibility";E={ if ($_.Domain.Visibility) { $_.Domain.Visibility } else { "General" }}},
                    Key -ExpandProperty TypedValue
Function Remove-CIMetaData {
        Removes a Metadata Key/Value pair.
        Removes a custom Metadata Key/Value pair on a specified vCloud object
        The name of the Metadata to be removed.
    .PARAMETER  CIObject
        The object on which to remove the Metadata.
        Remove-CIMetaData -CIObject (Get-Org Org1) -Key "Owner"
    Process {
        $CIObject | Foreach {
            $metadataValue = ($_.ExtensionData.GetMetadata()).GetMetaDataValue($Key)
            If($metadataValue) { $metadataValue.Delete() }


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4 Responses to Working with vCloud Metadata in PowerCLI – Part 1

  1. Dade Veron says:

    I know this is old, but it’s still very helpful. We have a client who needs to export and import vCloud VM metadata, so that’s how I came across this. I know there have been many changed between when you wrote this and the current vCloud (10.2.1 in our case), but do you have any idea why the Remove-CIMetaData command has stopped working? Example:

    Remove-CIMetaData -CIObject (Get-OrgVdc “myOrg” | Get-CIVM “myVM”) -Key “testing”
    Exception calling “GetMetadataValue” with “1” argument(s): “The specified Href ‘’ is not valid.”
    At C:\ps\scripts\cimetadata.psm1:153 char:13
    + $metadataValue = ($_.ExtensionData.GetMetadata()).GetMeta …
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CloudException


    • Matthew Short says:

      I’ve updated the remove code to account for system level stuff (make sure you are using an System org level account)

      Function Remove-CIMetaData {

      Process {
      if (($global:DefaultCIServers).org -ne “System”){
      throw ‘The vCloud Director User session is not a System level user’
      $CIObject | Foreach-Object {
      # If domain values are set, then it’s most likely a SYSTEM level key and needs an extra argument to remove”
      $metadataValue = ($_.ExtensionData.GetMetadata()).MetadataEntry | Where-Object {$_.Key -eq $key }
      # Check if metadatavalue has domain, for system level deletes
      if ($metadataValue){
      if ($metadataValue.domain){ #System level key
      $metadataValue = ($_.ExtensionData.GetMetadata()).GetMetaDataValue($metadataValue.key, $metadataValue.domain.value)
      } else { #Read/Write key which has no domain value
      $metadataValue = ($_.ExtensionData.GetMetadata()).GetMetaDataValue($Key)

  2. Leonardo Prado says:

    Hello Kiwi, how can I get the Metadata code for post using API with Hidden and Private options ? Do you know the options ?

    Today I am using this model:

    Foo Bar

    • Leonardo Prado says:

      The comment breaks the code lol, follow again:

      Metadata xmlns=”″
      Key>app-ownerFoo Bar</Value

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